Rio de Janeiro, 15th of May 2024 – In the wake of the tragedy experienced in Rio Grande do Sul due to the heavy rains that resulted in severe flooding of the state, a strong movement of widespread support was unleashed, joining military forces, para-public forces, government departments, private entities, and civil society.
Omni Táxi Aéreo, in cooperation with some of its clients, has been actively supporting these rescue operations, thanks to helicopters’ ability to reach inaccessible places, save lives, and transport water, food, medicines, and essential equipment.
The large H225 helicopter, with the capacity to carry external loads of up to 3.8 tonnes, based in Caxias do Sul, has played a significant role in the reconstruction and recovery operations of the destroyed infrastructure. The aid has been provided by carrying poles, insulators, transformers, generators, and a range of essential equipment to enable regular services to resume, as well as helping to transport isolated people or supporting them with food supplies.
On the other hand, the AW139 and AW119 helicopters are engaged in Operation Taquari 2, operating from Canoas, along with several other public and private helicopters in this joint emergency response effort.
The company highlights the work of its pilots, mechanics, loadmasters, and rappelers, who are facing long days but feel a strong sense of fulfilment for being able to be of help during such a critical moment.
Moved by this situation, Omni Táxi Aéreo has donated approximately sixty tonnes of mineral water and hygiene kits, which, with the assistance of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), will reach distribution centers in Rio Grande do Sul. Following this initiative, employees are also coming together in solidarity with collections at the operational bases, meaning additional donations will arrive soon.
Omni Táxi Aéreo sends its condolences to the families of the victims and all those affected by the tragedy, reaffirming its support during this difficult time.